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Bonnie Grace Creates

Ebook - Weaving Sacred Cycles

Regular price $21.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $21.00 AUD

WEAVING SACRED CYCLES - Rituals & Ceremonies for all phases of womanhood.

A beautifully crafted guide weaving together the sacred feminine rites of passage, with rituals and ceremonies to honour each phase—from menstruation, through to wise womanhood.

This epic Ebook Briony from Sacred Feminine Collective has created (I helped with art & illustration) is packed with so much knowledge and wisdom that EVERY person should know. 

If your anything like me you want to connect deeper to your womb and cycles, you know adding ritual and ceremony to your life can be powerful but you don’t know where to start? Well this is an amazing first step into the journey of connecting to yourself and understanding the ALL of womanhood.

I also found this book brought me new understanding around the phases in which people around me are in. For the phase my own mother is in, and now having a daughter it feels so important to have more understanding of the phases she will go through and how to support her in them.